The Handkey II system provides a high security solution at a price which compares to many card based systems. With Handkey II your hand is your card, allowing access only to authorised persons without having the hassle of a key or a card. By eliminating the card you reduce the administrative cost, increase security and eliminate the worry for users and administrators about having to keep track of a card or key.
- Real security
- Saves money over card based systems
- Fast and easy to use
- Increased convenience by eliminating cards
- Integrates into existing systems
- Field proven reliable technology
The Handkey II brings the true security and convenience of biometric technology easily within reach of most access control applications.
How does it work?
The Handkey II uses proven hand geometry technology to map and verify the unique contours of a person's hand - all in less than a second.
Where can it be used?
Once reserved for high security applications, biometric technology is now used in many day to day applications from your local health club to day care centres and laboratories.