2 Jan 2018

Time-Attendance and Access Control have grown into a mainstream product and it is gaining significant growth in the market. Security issues pertaining to control access is a prime concern and a strenuous challenge in various sectors like Manufacturing Units, Airports, Defense, R & D Center, Nuclear Stations, Manufacturing Units, Mining Industries, Construction Sites, Chemical Industries, Transportation, Education, Healthcare, Club, etc.

Access Control is a matter of who, when, and where. It is the access control system that determines who is to be allowed to enter or exit, when they can exit or enter, and where they can exit or enter. Historically, the problem that has been most prevalent when it came to protecting access control points whether they are digital access points or physical access points has been the ability of the configured door lock. Moreover, issues such as counterfeit and even swipe information were faced in the traditional security systems. Biometrics has put up a road block to unauthorized users that have used some of the “tricks of the trade” to gain access.