Security Barricades (33)

Delta DSC 501 is a major breakthrough in high duty, anti-terrorist barricades. The only K54-certified vehicle barricade in the world, the Delta DSC501 will survive and operate after a 5.4 million foot pound impact, equivalent to a 29,484 kg (65,000-pound) truck hitting it at 80 kph (50 mph). Stopping the truck dead in its tracks, the DSC501 protects against a “second hit” risk from a second vehicle. It obviates the concerns of interference with buried pipes, power lines and fibre optic communication lines. The shallow foundation also reduces installation complexity, time, materials and corresponding costs. The DSC501 is suitable for high water table locations and areas with corrosive soils. Front face warning lights warn drivers that the barricade is in the “up” position. There is also an open area on the front for signage. Diagonal yellow and white stripes are standard and optional colours and graphics are available. The open channel construction even lets you specify hot dip galvanising. This barricade was designed for the U.S. Navy and has also been selected for use at U.S. Embassies.
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The new DSC1500 portable beam barricade sets up quickly and temporarily to block vehicles and secure locations during short-term events and anywhere a beam barricade is needed for interim security. With a clear opening of 16 feet (4.8 m), the DSC1500 is M30 certified, able to stop a 15,000 pound (66.7 kN) vehicle going 30 mph (48 kph). Many organisations have the need for easy to install, temporary drop-arm barriers that can install within 10 minutes to transitorily close down a roadway to one or two lanes or block parking lot exits to deter thefts. Previous beam barriers had to be filled with sand, gravel or cement to be operable. To remove the DSC1500 from its temporary site, it is simply repacked in ten (10) minutes. No excavation or sub-surface preparation is required. Once positioned, the mobile barricades unpack themselves using manual hydraulics to raise and lower the barriers off their wheels. A self-deploying trailer with integrated lifting device facilitates rapid installation. The process is simply reversed when the event is over or the time comes to deploy the beam barrier at another location. From a purchasing standpoint, it can be easier to buy portable beam barricades than permanent solutions. The latter are oftentimes placed into an organisation’s real assets budget because they are permanently installed into the ground, becoming part of the property. Such budgets can often create complex purchasing scenarios for law enforcement or public safety departments. However, purchasing portable beam barricades is no different than buying protective vests for personnel or new sets of wrenches for the maintenance department. For one time uses, a lease plan has been created where organisations can simply lease the portable barriers, use them, pack them up and return them. Delta always keeps an inventory for purchase and quick delivery at their manufacturing facility in Palmdale, Calif. That’s because, in many cases, they are needed for events that come up quickly, such as emergency road or bridge construction or unexpected parking lot requirements.
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The new DSC1200 surface mounted barricade provides a very easy to install high security vehicle access control system for banks, city and federal government offices, museums, corporate buildings, factories, oil refineries, railway, airport and other transportation hubs as well as other facilities threatened by truck bomb attack, errant drivers or car-crashing thieves. Installers can simply epoxy or bolt the new DSC1200 barricade to an already-existing concrete slab. Since there are no drainage or underground utilities issues, installation is fast.
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Delta Scientific Hydraulic Pump Control Equipment and Housing for Smaller Equipment is the patented Delta Beta pump, a scaled-down version of the Delta Power Unit. It is used for medium to small barricades, depending on site conditions, barricade selection and speed of operation requirements.
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Delta Scientific Hydraulic Power Unit – Skid Mounted for Big Equipment is a heavy duty, patented power unit. Delta racks and stacks valves, flow controls and accumulators to meet client’s applications for speed of operation, number of barricades to be controlled and the number of power off cycles required.
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Delta Scientific’s latest HD 300 barrier, is available with either a fully electric or hydraulic control unit, and will stop a 15,000 pound (66.7 Km) vehicle travelling 50 mph (80 kpm). Upon impact, the barrier remains in its foundation and the opening stays blocked, providing a multiple hit capability. In its M50 crash test, the HD300 completely disabled the test vehicle, causing severe damage to the occupant department and power train. The maximum penetration recorded was an outstanding -1.8 m on the passenger’s side. The P1 penetration rating was given because the penetration beyond the protected side of the barrier was less than 1.0 m at the lower leading edge of the test vehicle’s cargo bed. “The HD300 provides many of the flexibilities that security professionals want in a vehicle access barrier,” explains Greg Hamm, Delta Scientific vice president, marketing and sales. “Besides being easy to install and providing a fast emergency fast operation, low maintenance and multiple hit capabilities, customers can select either our new all electric control unit or Delta’s lauded hydraulic control unit.”With its 24-inch (61 cm) shallow foundation and aesthetic design, the HD300 obviates the concerns of interference with buried pipes, power lines and fibre optic communication lines. The shallow foundation also reduces installation complexity, time, materials and corresponding costs. The HD300 is perfect for high water table locations and areas with corrosive soils. It provides low maintenance as all components are accessible from the sides or top of the barrier.For increased security, the HD300 leverages Delta’s propriety counter-balanced technology to provide a 1.5 second emergency fast operation (EFO), responding to attacks very quickly. The electric actuator provides IP67 protection, meaning that the unit is totally protected against dust and as well as the effect of immersion between 15 cm and 1 m.
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Delta Scientific's new bolt down DSC7090 beam barricade has passed its crash test garnering an ASTM M30/P1 rating. That means the DSC7090 will stop a 15,000 pound (6800 kg) truck going 30 mph (50 kph) with negative 6.3 feet (1.9 metres) of penetration. Raising in only five seconds and lowering in merely two seconds yields a fast cycle rate of over 100 vehicles in and out per hour, making the new DSC7090 ideal for higher traffic and population locations. The dual beam design provides coverage of 12 to 24 feet (3.7 to 7.3 metres) of roadway with a full 90 degree opening. The DSC7090 beam barrier crash test is the culmination of one of a series of new products that Delta will be bringing to market. Full scale crash testing provides unequivocal proof of the stopping capacity of each of Delta's vehicle barricade designs. To date, Delta Scientific has conducted 67 full crash tests with more scheduled. That's another way in which Delta Scientific can commit to providing safety and security through product innovation. The new DSC7090 will be used in locations where wide roadways need to be secured from attacking vehicles and in larger parking areas where security systems are needed to deter theft. To meet these heightened demands, the DSC7090 deploys sophisticated touch screen controls and the same logic as used by key government organizations. This includes an LED light package with traffic lights. Also available is a strobe light and audible alarm package. The DSC7090 operates remotely by means of an integral hydraulic pumping unit (HPU) that is buttress enclosed. The HPU can be powered from a local single or three-phase power source. Alternative power options are also available.
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Delta Scientific DSC7500(MBR) crash certified horizontal swing beam barricade is designed to close off one or two lanes of a roadway and provide counter terrorist level protection against vehicle attack. The barricade stops a 15,000-pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) with zero penetration, equivalent to 1.2-million foot-pounds of kinetic energy. It meets the K12 crash certification standard set by the United States Department of State.
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Delta Scientific DSC7500 swing beam barricade is designed to close off one or two lanes of a roadway and provide counter terrorist level protection against vehicle attack. The barricade stops a 15,000-pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) with zero penetration, equivalent to 1.2-million foot-pounds of kinetic energy. It meets the K12 crash certification standard set by the United States Department of State.
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The new DSC2000 high speed, high security, very shallow foundation barricade is Delta’s fastest, smallest and shallowest foundation barricade, created especially for high speed actuation and ease of installation. The DSC2000 has been tested to the United Kingdom BSI Standard PAS:68 2007 Crash Test. 7.5 Tonne EU truck at 80 kph. Two Meter penetration and partially functional after the vehicle was removed. The two outer barricades were operational. Second attack readiness demonstrated. Because each module weighs only 1100 pounds (500 kg) and is easy to install, the DSC2000 barricade is perfect for remote locations and developing country installations. Because each module weighs only 1100 pounds (500 kg) and is easy to install, the DSC2000 barricade is perfect for remote locations and developing country installations. Multiple modules can be deployed in configurations to guard wide roadways to narrow driveways. Designed for heavy use, the DSC2000 produces more than 100,000 cycles per month with axle loading greater than 22,000 pounds.
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A fully enclosed, shallow foundation wedge barricade with a covered front and sides Stops a 15,000 pound (6800 kg) truck impacting at 50 mph (80 km/h) with zero penetration and no foundation damage M50/K12 crash rated Designed for serviceability. Foundation Space to work in, space for heaters, and sump pump Shallow Foundation at 32 inches makes for a quick install, with a small foot print to fit most drive ways
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Delta Scientific DSC7000(H) beam barricade is used worldwide at locations where wide roadways need to be secured from attacking vehicles. It provides protection between 12- to 20-foot wide (3.7 to 9.1 m). The 725-pound beam of the vertical lift barricade stops a 15,000-pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) dead in its tracks. It meets the K12 crash certification standard set by the United States Department of State. The DSC7000(H) operates remotely by means of an integral Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU) that is wholly enclosed in the hinge end enclosure. The HPU can be powered from a local single or three-phase power source. Alternatively, it can be powered and operated automatically from a Battery Powered HPU, which can be maintained at operating power level by a solar array or by low power alternative sources.
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Delta Scientific, the leading manufacturer of counter-terrorist vehicle control systems used in the United States and internationally, recently announced that its new HD2055 electromechanically controlled anti-terrorist barricade decisively stopped the 15,000 pound (6,803 kg) test vehicle traveling at 51 (82 kph) in a recent crash test conducted by an independent testing laboratory. Less than zero penetration of crash barrier The HD2055 barricades not only stopped the vehicle but contained the test load representing the bombs strapped to the truck bed. The crash test result showed a less than zero penetration. “Significantly, the operating mechanism and cams were all intact and reusable after the dramatic crash test,” emphasises David Dickinson, Senior Vice President of Delta Scientific. “This level of survival is normally only seen with hydraulic barricade systems.” Easy-to-install shallow foundation The new HD2055 barricade features an easy-to-install shallow foundation with an environmentally-friendly electromechanical actuator which utilises a sophisticated cam design that accelerates and de-accelerates the barrier road plate during raising and lowering. This reduces the lifting and closing force down to zero at the end of each stroke, dramatically increasing the life of the lifting mechanism. The shallow foundation also obviates the concerns of interference with buried pipes, power lines and fibre optic communication lines. The HD2055 is perfect for high water table locations and areas with corrosive soils. It provides low maintenance as all components are accessible from the sides or top of the barrier. As with its hydraulic designs, the electromechanical HD2055 can be deployed as a single barricade in a narrow lane application or in extended arrays which cover wide roadways. Each HD2055 barricade can be open or closed individually or as a group to allow the passage of both small or large vehicles. Like other Delta Scientific products, the HD2055 can be remotely controlled via fibre optics, touch screen control panels, NEMA rated control button panels and simple key switches.
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The fastest operating standard vehicle barrier in the market, the HD200 features a crash rating of ASTM M30/P1, bringing to a full stop a 7.5 ton (6803.9 kg) medium duty truck traveling 30 mph (48.3 kph) in less than 3.3 feet (1 m). Truck rebound is 11.5 feet (3.5 m).Final denial applications Built for high traffic, heavily populated locations requiring rapid emergency fast operation (EFO) rates and open/close cycles, in high traffic locations, the barrier is open much of the time, letting vehicles through. Therefore, when the location is heavily populated, the barrier must open and close frequently. More importantly, the barrier must be able to close quickly. To negate vehicles being used as weapons, the HD200 barrier will stop and destroy a vehicle moving at 30 mph (48.3 kph). This allows users to install this barrier in final denial applications with as little as 50 feet (15.2m) of stand-off distance and still stop vehicles moving up to 44 feet (13.4 m) per second. Increased safety against terrorists using vehicles as weaponsAs the tragedy in Nice, France, has warned, security professionals need to be aware of vehicle attacks on people. For heavy traffic in densely populated locations, not only must the vehicle barrier be fast but it must be rugged and easy to install.The HD200 provides the features needed in a vehicle access barrier. Besides being easy to install and providing a quick emergency fast operation and low maintenance, customers can select either Delta's new all electric control unit or Delta’s lauded hydraulic control unit. With either, the HD200 barrier will stop a 7.5 ton (6803.9 kg) medium duty truck travelling 30 mph (48.3 kph) in less than 3.3 feet (1 m).With a 24-inch (61 cm) shallow foundation and fully enclosed, flush mount design, the HD200 obviates the concerns of interference with buried pipes, power lines and fibre optic communication lines in urban applications. The shallow foundation also reduces installation complexity, time, materials and corresponding costs. The HD200 is perfect for high water table locations and areas with corrosive soils. It provides low maintenance as its totally enclosed face is easily removed for access. Remotely controlled EFOLeveraging the latest technologies, the HD200’s breakthrough EFO can be remotely controlled via fibre optics, touch screen control panels, NEMA rated control button panels and simple key switches.The HD200 barrier also features a full range of diagnostic indicators for early detection of any difficulties.As with most other Delta barricades and barriers that are properly maintained, projected life expectancy of the HD200 is 20+ years.
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A fully enclosed, shallow foundation wedge barricade with a covered front and sides Stops a 15,000 pound (6800 kg) truck impacting at 50 mph (80 km/h) with zero penetration and no foundation damage M50/K12 crash rated Delta PDS (Programmable Drive System), Electromechanically powered with internal limit switches, and multiple voltage input Designed for serviceability. Foundation Space to work in, space for heaters, and sump pump Shallow Foundation at 32 inches makes for a quick install, with a small foot print to fit most drive ways
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Delta Scientific DSC7500(M) crash beam barricade is designed to close off one or two lanes of a roadway and provide counter terrorist level protection against vehicle attack. The barricade stops a 15,000-pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) with zero penetration, equivalent to 1.2-million foot-pounds of kinetic energy. It meets the K12 crash certification standard set by the United States Department of State.
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Delta Scientific DSC7500(H) horizontal swing beam barricade is designed to close off one or two lanes of a roadway and provide counter terrorist level protection against vehicle attack. The barricade stops a 15,000-pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) with zero penetration, equivalent to 1.2-million foot-pounds of kinetic energy. It meets the K12 crash certification standard set by the United States Department of State.
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The TT207sFM is a K12 rated barricade 15,000 pound truck at 50 mph. It comes in two versions, surface mounted for parking ramps and with the standard 18 inch foundation. This barricade is also available with a debris screen. When the barricade is in the up position the hydraulics are protected by the heavy metal ramp plate.
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Delta Scientific DSC1400 is a surface mounted barricade designed for parking structures as an anti theft device. It is supplied with an ElectroHydraulic Drive System. The drive system can be specified for operation with either single or three-phase power. Normal operating speed is 5 seconds for the Electro-Hydraulic power units.
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Delta Scientific Corporation DSC1450 is a surface mounted vehicle barricade that consist of four components. Two buttresses, a road plate and hinge plate. The barricade components are lag bolted in place to existing concrete surfaces such as parking structures and parking lots to be used as an anti-theft device and or traffic control device. The barricade features a self-contained programmable electro-mechanical drive system, controls and an integral barrier arm.
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DSC207S is a new Embassy barricade, fully enclosed, shallow foundation wedge barricade with covered front and sides. In a full scale crash test conducted by an independent test lab, the DSC207s met the criteria for an M50/K12 rating. Access is available from either the top plate or front. The barricade can also be galvanized. Its small footprint increases the numbers of locations in which it can be used. Available with Delta’s new programmable drive system (PDS), the barricade can be electronically powered with an internal limit switch and multiple voltage input.
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This TW2015 protects access to the Miami Federal Courthouse. The TW2015 Hydraulic Barricade System is a one-inch thick ramp that features quick installation. It is designed to install at difficult locations such as parking structure ramps or areas with sub-surface drainage problems and used for intermediate security applications. The TW2015 is a 120-inch (3,048 mm) moving ramp, 18 inches (457 mm) high that is surface mounted. Crash rated, the barricades are lowered to allow passage of authorised vehicles.
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Delta Scientific's TW4030 is a surface mounted, dual buttress barricade consisting of a heavy steel plate capable of being rotated from the free pass position to its guard position by a hydraulic power unit. Barricade height is 21 inches (53cm). Standard clear opening width is 12 feet (3.66m). Maximum width is 20 feet (6.1m).
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