24 Apr 2009
 Bosch is a Leader in Green Initiatives
 Environmental protection key to Bosch corporate policy

For more than 25 years, the Bosch Board of Management has made environmental protection part of our corporate policy. In fact, in 2007, 40 percent of the Bosch Group's patent applications were related to environmental protection and resource conservation. In 2008, we acquired majority stake in Ersol Solar, a diversified solar company. We are also an active member of the Chicago Climate Exchange, an organization that helps promote CO2 reduction.

Ecological globalization calls for the economical use of resources and the prevention of pollution on all continents. As we see it, anyone who thinks ecologically has to act technologically. This translates to several product areas for Bosch Security Systems:

Access control systems can link with HVAC and lighting systems, and save energy with an occupancy-based control instead of traditional temperature or lighting changes that are timed. In other words, when an employee enters a room, the system turns on - rather than leaving it on all day or having a specific schedule.

Our intelligent products and strategies like direct-to-iSCSI recording help eliminate the need for additional PCs and many separate components. We also design products with an eye toward scalability and modularity-so that equipment can be re-used or easily upgraded. This not only protects customers' investments, it keeps products from piling up in landfills.

Another growing concern is light pollution and its negative effects on human health. The United Kingdom and several U.S. states have taken steps to preserve darkness and prevent light pollution.  Bosch's infrared illuminators are certified by the International Dark Skies Association, and use a special type of "invisible" light that doesn't cause light pollution. The technology helps preserve and protect the nighttime environment, improving living conditions for both humans and nocturnal animals. These illuminators also use lower voltage and fewer watts than traditional street lighting - so customers also enjoy significant energy savings!