5 Oct 2009
 As head of sales for public sector at VSG, Tim Royal is responsible for enhancing VSG's share of national and local government markets for security services
Tim Royal has been appointed as Head of Sales for the Public Sector at VSG, UK provider of security services
As part of its ongoing programme of business advancement, VSG, one of the UK's fastest growing providers of security services, has appointed Tim Royal (43) as Head of Sales for the Public Sector. In this newly created post, he has strategic responsibility for enhancing VSG's share of the national and local government markets for security services by working with organisations that include the NHS, the emergency services and educational bodies.   

Tim Royal, who lives in Epsom and is based at VSG's office in the City of London, joins VSG from Reed Recruitment where the focus of his work was also on the public sector, and where he achieved major successes in winning and developing large public sector contracts.

"There's no doubt that my new role will be challenging," said Tim Royal, "as public sector organisations always have tough requirements and tight budgets. Nevertheless, I believe that there are enormous opportunities for providing security services in the sector, many of which are almost untapped. And one of my main reasons for joining VSG is that I believe the company to be ideally positioned to make the most of those opportunities."

"In particular, almost as soon as I started to research VSG, it became very clear that the company is genuinely committed to being the best," he continued. "All companies claims this, of course, but VSG backs up its claim with achievements. It has an enviable record of award wins, for example, and it is renowned throughout the industry for the excellence of its training. I am completely confident that with VSG's proven expertise and commitment, complemented by my insight into the way the public sector works, success in the sector is assured."

" I believe there are enormous opportunities for enhancing security in the sector" 

Aspects of VSG's operations that Tim Royal will be particularly seeking to promote in his new position include the company's adherence to the best-value principle, where it does not necessarily seek to offer the lowest price but instead offers the best possible service combined with outstanding value for money; and an holistic approach to security, where traditional manned guarding techniques are used in conjunction with modern electronic security measures to produce a package that is both cost-effective and efficient.