7 Mar 2011
 Ian Meadows, BDM, Gallagher Security has been asked to present information on the benefits of incorporating an integrated access management platform into education facility management

Ian Meadows, BDM, Gallagher Security will address the Universities of India in Global Higher Education Summit

Gallagher Security's Business Development Manager, Ian Meadows, has been confirmed as a guest speaker for the Universities of India & Global Higher Education Summit being held in India, March 11-12th.

The symposium will be attended by heads of universities and education institutes from all over India with a focus on improving quality in higher education including University Automation and Faculty Development.

Ian Meadows says he has been asked to present information on the benefits of incorporating an integrated access management platform into education facility management.

"Gallagher access management systems have been introduced to many education facilities around the world to deliver a cost-effective, single platform for security, resource scheduling, dormitory access, canteen management and one-card solutions. Key examples of this are the University of Tennessee and La Trobe University of Melbourne."

Mr. Meadows says he will present case studies to highlight the financial and operational benefits of an integrated system.

Another key feature of the summit will be the launch of the institution of University-Industry Congress. This is a first-of-its-kind mapping of university to industry collaborations aimed at establishing benchmarks of excellence. It will set up role-models in the education industry while recognising and rewarding best performers in various fields relevant to facility management.