Michael L. Davis, Director, Intellectual Property, HID |
As the second year programme chair for this conference, as well as a previous presenter, Davis will serve as the moderator and offer his perspective on the day's presentations focusing on two of RFID's most popular issues - security and privacy. Data Protection conference programme attendees will gain valuable insight into the techniques and strategies to mitigate both the risks and consequences of data security and privacy breeches. Topics will include the latest security research, key management issues, best practices, secure network infrastructures, responsible disclosure from the perspective of the cardholder and the server/service provider.
Event Details
Who: Michael L. Davis, Director, Intellectual Property, HID Global
What: Programme Chairman of the Data Protection Track at CARTES & IDentification 2009
When: Tuesday, 17th November, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Where: Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre