23 Jul 2024

Taking place in Stavanger, Norway on 26-29 August, this pioneering biennial exhibition and conference will see Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection (Teledyne GFD), Teledyne FLIR and Teledyne Marine display numerous innovations on their shared stand that take safety to new levels in these potentially hazardous industries. Teledyne will also introduce advanced emission monitoring solutions to meet the latest legislative requirements and deliver effective LDAR solutions.

By exhibiting jointly under the Teledyne name, the company mantra of “everywhereyoulook” will resonate more than ever with visitors via the extensive range of technologies available on the same stand. Whether it is Teledyne GFD’s fixed and portable gas and flame detection solutions, Teledyne FLIR’s thermal imaging cameras, or instruments from Teledyne Marine that monitor and explore everything beneath the ocean surface – Stand 1063 in Hall 10 will have it all.